Friday, December 21, 2007

Slap me on the wrist, I have not posted for 6 days...

Time flies.

I don't remember when Christmas changed from being about getting to being about giving for me. I used to be so excited to open up those packages, and for the past couple years, I have been more excited to watch my family open their gifts from me. I guess it's part of getting older, and maturing. My mom wouldn't say that my Christmas attitude has matured--she still makes fun of me, because I still can't sleep past 6 a.m. on Christmas (although, every year, I figure I'll oversleep. I'm one of those people who love sleep and can basically sleep anytime.). I loved those moments when I was younger--jumping into my sister's bed at 3 a.m. so I wouldn't have to amuse myself--she would do it for me. Playing "bed olympics" in Grandma's house with my sister--thinking about it now, I think that if she ever found out we were jumping off of the headboard doing somersaults, she'd kill us. Then there was that one year I woke my sister up at 1 a.m. to tell her Hanson was on the radio. Honestly, was I really 13?? Haha. Most of my Christmas memories are made up of these wonderful moments with my sister. I can't imagine having grown up as an only child and having no one to share all of this with. My heart aches for those whose Christmases don't hold such beautiful memories--I wish this season could be as fun and flooded with memories for everyone as it is for me.

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